White-washed pinecones

When I saw that Trader Joe's had these huge unscented cones this year, I couldn't buy a pair fast enough.
This turned into a huge project of white washing not only these pine cones but several others. I will also show you how I used some white washed mini pine cones for neighbor gifts this year.
Take a look at these marvelous cones. I think the are easily 8 inches tall. Tall and handsome.
I used left over ceiling paint from our recent drywall job in the living room. If you follow on my Insta-stories, you are fully abreast of that disaster situation.
I mixed some of the paint with water. I added very little water because I wanted the white wash to be fairly opaque. I added the paint to a 2 gallon ziplock bag.
Then dipped and shook the cone around in the paint before taking it out to dry.
I let it dry on plastic bags and rotated them frequently so the paint would drip out and not dry in clumps. I also tried using a few other cones from around here. It took quite a while. I transferred them to clean bags every once in a while to avoid clubs. It was a royal mess.
After the big cones were dry I drilled holes into them at the top and screwed in eye hooks as you see below.
Then I hung them from our two cabinets in the living room I added a little bit of ribbon and done.
With the smaller white-washed cones, I made some...
Neighbor gifts. I took a ceramic's class this fall and learned to throw some bowls. I made these five and many others.
I filled them with some clay for weight and stability, A candle, some moss and greenery from my yard. I tied a tag around the candles and finally added a couple white mini cones to the base.
They were very well received!
Here are all the other 2018 Christmas projects:
- Christmas drum ornament
- Ribbon tassel gift topper
- Scalloped Christmas ornament
- Make a white mistletoe with friends
- Santa Claus makeover - sewing him a new outfit
- Christmas ornament cone - cones for candy
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This article: White-washed pinecones first appeared on http://ahomeforcrafts.com.