Christmas drum ornament

This little drum ornament is just so charming, I think. We have this Danish Christmas song "Højt fra træets grønne top" in which a drum appears and you must point hysterically at a drum on the tree as you sing that line in the song. I made it just for that. Hysterical pointing. My favorite holiday activity.
Here is how.
This was my main ornament last year, which I "surprisingly" did not have time to get up on the blog. So here it is now. I sized this ornament for this exact cardstock. The gold cardstock is heavier than the white.
I used this white cardstock and this gold cardstock. If you use some that have different weights, you may have to fiddle with how the lattice and triangle strips will fit around the drum to meet and not overlap on the bottom. I am sure you can make it work.
Each drum uses all four circles to make the finished drum really nice looking and no glue taps showing through. Two of the circles are smaller than the other two. The small ones go on first. The large ones on the outside of those.
Cut the circles and lattice in white and the drum body and triangle strips in a contrasting color.
Put string and tie around the middle of the lattice to hang the drum from later.
Glue the drum body together. Make it so that the room between the glue taps are a tiny bit smaller than the rest on the back. You can use the lattice to measure for the correct size. Then attach the white lattice. I used hot glue for the body and Elmer's for the lattice.
Then, using the smaller of the two circle, add glue to all the taps (which you bend inwards along the score lines). I used Elmer's glue to attach, but a faster setting glue would work ehm... faster. Use this to shape the drum to be as round as possible. Once dry, cover these circles with the bigger circles for a clean smooth finish. Make sure they are centered so they stick out an even amount all the way around.
Then glue the triangle strips to the drum as a last step. Line up the triangles to land between the lattice as shown below. This step covers the edge with the smaller circle and finishes the ornament.
Now you too can point hysterically. You're welcome.
Download here for free - for personal use.
This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my prior written permission.
Some SVG files in this download have score lines. Here is a tutorial for how to handle score lines in SVGs.
If you have any suggestions for SVG projects you would like me to make in the future, please let me know in the comments.
Here are all the other 2018 Christmas projects:
- How to White wash pine cones
- Ribbon tassel gift topper
- Scalloped Christmas ornament
- Make a white mistletoe with friends
- Santa Claus makeover - sewing him a new outfit
- Christmas ornament cone - cones for candy
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This article: Christmas drum ornament first appeared on