Halloween pom pom spiders

Don't worry. These spiders aren't real. And they are super easy to make. Here is how.
I made the body in three sizes so that they fit with available pom poms.
The body size for the large guy is 1 inch pom poms. Use a smaller pom pom for the head. Download the SVG and PDFs for the bodies below if you want to make some too.
The medium one uses a pom pom of 0.5 inches. The smallest one has the body of a 0.4 inch pom pom. Shown below.
You can of course turn them into little picks for your next Halloween party. Simply glue a tooth pick between the body and cardstock legs like shown in the image below.
Stick them in your favorite party food. Here is one made with a cube of mozzarella and a grape.
I feel like the head on these is even optional. But it does add a bit to the realness factor to have it. Just like in real life.
Make a brigade.
Download here for free - for personal use.
This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my prior written permission.
If you have any suggestions for SVG projects you would like me to make in the future, please let me know in the comments.
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This article: Halloween pom pom spiders first appeared on http://ahomeforcrafts.com.