By Katja Kromann

Candy free Easter egg hunt - with free download

Candy free Easter egg hunt - with free download
Candy free Easter egg hunt

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This is how we do Easter egg hunts on Easter Sunday morning. My kid is not terribly interested in candy, but he loves the hunt, so I came up with this candy-free egg hunt idea instead. It is more of a treasure hunt. It is looked forward to with great anticipation each year.

This type of hunt is for letters. That you then have to make into words. Then figure out the sentence and then go find where the (real) Easter egg is hidden.

You can tailor the level of difficulty to your child by having long or short words. Color coding each letter so you know which letters belong to which word, color coordinating the eggs, so all eggs of one color belong to the same word.

If you have two kids hunting at the same time, you can make color ways so one kid has all the blue/green cool toned eggs, while the other one has the red/orange/yellow warm toned eggs. If you have more than that, you would have to differentiate in another way by sections of the back yard to look for eggs, or make some eggs dotted, some striped, or do one hunt first, then the next, etc.

Here I am showing an example with relatively easy words. Each word has the same ink color and all letters to the same word come from the same colored egg.

At the bottom of the post, you can download the egg shape I used for the letters.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Stamps, ink, plastic eggs from the store

This hunt has five words: Look in the sock Drawer. So I used five differently colored eggs and five differently colored inks. Then I cut out 20 eggs for my 19 letters. Download the egg shape at the bottom of this post.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Next, lay out your eggs and stamp or write your words on them. Make a mental note of how many eggs, and which word go in which colored egg. Anticipate the question: How many green eggs should I find? Did I find all the eggs?

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Then put a lettered egg into each plastic shell and hide them in the yard. Now for this to work, once all the eggs have been found, you do need to count and make sure that ALL of them have been found. Otherwise it will be difficult to figure out the words.

Now the hunt can begin. Our Easter bunny is sneaky and hides the eggs all sort of places. It takes a while to find them all.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Haul the loot inside ...

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Enjoy seeing your kid open all the eggs and trying to, dare I say it, un-scramble the message. Eggscuse me.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

Of course, you have remembered to put something fabulous in the sock drawer or you will become a little unpopular in a while...

I usually put whatever I am giving into one of those bigger eggshells that you can get at IKEA. Here I painted one gold and decorated it with ribbon and one of the Easter bunnies I recently made. You can find the instructions and download that shape for free here.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

You can fill this bigger egg with a gift card or a game or something else. Candy even.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

That's our version of the Easter egg hunt around these parts. You can download the egg shape below.

Candy free Easter Egg Hunt with free download

You can click here to download the files for this project. The zip file includes both an svg cut file and a pdf file. If you run into any problems, please contact me. Here is some Cricut and PDF help.

Download here for free - for personal use.

This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my prior written permission.

If you have any suggestions for SVG projects you would like me to make in the future, please let me know in the comments.

This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my written permission.

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