Acorn gift wrap and tag

I have a couple of acorn crafts that I need to get out of my system. I am going to call them fall crafts and not Christmas, but I guess you could use them for Christmas as well. But I want to make fall feel special too and not just ignored between Halloween and Thanksgiving.
So here is to you fall!
I am on a bit of an acorn kick this fall. Allow me to demonstrate. I made these in my clay class for my Christmas tree.
But back to the gift wrap.
Print out the oak gift wrap and trim off the edges - unless you have a printer that prints all the way out to the edges. Cut out the two pieces for the acorn and glue it together. Punch a hole in it if you want.
Needless to say this is for small gifts. However, I was easily able to wrap a gift box of this size.
I wrapped the gift with twine (similar).
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