Minimalist paper houses - room decor

I am currently working on decorating our guest room and for that I needed some minimalist decor to finish the space by the desk in there and I have long been wanting to make some small decor houses. You can download the pattern for them below.
If you want to follow along in real time with my projects you can follow me on @ahomefordesignfoodcrafts on Instastories on Instagram. At the moment I am waiting for some fabric I designed, to come in so that I can upholster a bed with it. I am also working on some artwork for the green guest room.
But back to the Minimalist Paper Houses.
These files have score lines (see below right) so be sure to follow this tutorial for how to set up your Cricut to handle that.
Cut out a building part and a roof part for each of the two houses.
You can also print out the files as pdfs and cut out by hand. I have added fold lines which you can score with a bone folder for crisp lines.
Next pre-crease all the folds with the score lines on the inside of the folds for a sharp fold. This will help the houses have a good shape once glued.
Add glue to tabs that lets you glue the buildings into a square. Line up the side with the flap as perfectly as you can to make sure the roof fits perfectly in a moment.
Next add glue to all the remaining flaps and glue the roofs by inserting the roof tabs to the inside of the buildings and the building tabs to the inside of the roofs. Grab and hold on to the tabs from the underside of the houses until the tabs are glued firmly in place.
Download here for free - for personal use.
This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my prior written permission.
Some SVG files in this download have score lines. Here is a tutorial for how to handle score lines in SVGs.
If you have any suggestions for SVG projects you would like me to make in the future, please let me know in the comments.
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This article: Minimalist paper houses - room decor first appeared on