Gingerbread house accessory pack

Doesn't the tea light houses scream to become a gingerbread house in their spare time?
I heard it loud and clear, so I created an accessory pack to do just that. Instant transformation.
Let's have a look.
Cut or print/cut a tea light house out of brown cardstock.
Cut out the accessory pack which you can download at the bottom of this post.
You might need a little Fingerspitzgefühl to get some of the really small items off the mat. Oh and about mid way I decided that the scallops around the door were too puny, so the one you see below, is switched out with the one seen in the first image of this post.
The accessory pack contains a two part wreath for around the roof window. Scallops for the roof line, windows and door, bulbs for the lights, pointy leafs for the front door and little picket fence pieces for the corners of the house. Note that two of them don't have scallops on one side - they go next to the door to fit.
Next, assemble the house according to the instructions.
Add the smaller wreath on top of the larger wreath and glue to the roof window. Attach the roof scallops so they overhang the edge. Depending on how tight or loose you assembled the roof, you may have to cut off a little piece, but I gave you some wiggle room so it isn't too short and added small strips to one of the scallops to either end to accomplish this.
Glue the window frames onto the windows and door.
Add the bulbs and leaves next and bend each picket fence piece between the two middle posts. Add the scallops around the door frame too. Yours will look bigger than in this photo. I made it more proportional.
Then glue the fence pieces onto the corners while making sure that the non scalloped sides go towards the front door as seen below.
I finished my house by gluing some small pom poms to the roof and I also added one between the leaves on the front door. Also - the new scalloped door frame is seen below. Much better, right?
The tree seen below can be downloaded here and the toad stool here. The accessory pack can be downloaded below.
This concludes my Christmas projects for 2016. Be sure to pin images from this post to come back to them later.
Download here for free - for personal use.
This is a free download for personal use. You may not sell this download or offer it on your site without my prior written permission.
If you have any suggestions for SVG projects you would like me to make in the future, please let me know in the comments.
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This article: Gingerbread house accessory pack first appeared on